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Advancing God's Kingdom

Today, all of us need God’s unconditional love; we rely heavily on God’s love to sustain us. God has already redeemed us from that great fall, and it is now time for us to do our part: believe and accept him. Believe that he sent his only Son into the world to die for our sins in order for us to have everlasting life. Everlasting life is waiting for us. Will you accept or refuse?

The good news is that many of us who once lived and who are currently living were lost in sin (in the same situation as Adam and Eve), but believed and obeyed God’s word by repenting from our sinful ways and turning to God to worship him in spirit and in truth. For this reason, God is well pleased with our decisions, but he is not satisfied. He wants the entire universe to believe in him. He wants us to share the story of the garden of Eden, informing others about how he showed his unconditional love for us by sending his only Son to die for us after Adam and Eve disobeyed him. He is determined not to leave anyone out; he wants all to partake of his rich promise of eternal life. He explained to us in his Word, the Bible, in John 14:1-3 that Jesus has prepared a place for us in his Father’s house where there are many mansions. He wants to take us there with him. God wants all of us who have believed in him, and have repented and turned from our sinful ways to serve him, to go and inform others of the good news of how we got there. He wants us to relate to them the benefits of believing in him and the punishment for refusing to believe. 

It is against this backdrop that this literature was prepared in order to equip you, those who are willing to come to Christ and to go and spread the good news about him, which includes the news that God so loved us that he gave his only begotten Son for us, that all who believe in him will not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16). There is a hell to shun and a heaven to gain. As you read through this literature, you will have a keen understanding of God’s plan of salvation for the world and how you can be a part of that plan.

It is important that you lead people, but only if you are saved. Once you are saved, take every opportunity to see others give their hearts to God. When people are saved, there is work for them to do. The Lord expects that believers will go to unsaved people and proclaim to them the good news. Some persons have never heard about the good news and may be waiting for someone like you to share this news with them. In this book, you will learn:

  • Why you need to advance the kingdom of God

  • Who needs to be involved

  • Who your target should be

  • Your passion for seeing others saved and serving God, and other relevant factors

There are many practical things that you can do in order to win souls for the kingdom of God. Many scriptures have been provided to show you that it is the Lord’s intention to save people from their sinful lives.

When new souls are won, it is important to nurture them by serving and providing training so that they can go on to win other souls. Everyone who contributes towards advancing God’s kingdom will cause it to grow quickly. Also, based on the principles of investing in God’s kingdom, there is always a reward. As you invest, you reap: that’s a “must”. The angels rejoice over every sinner who has been saved, and so must you. Take this great privilege to help advance God’s kingdom!


Advancing God's Kingdom

  • Description

    Reverend Geary Reid offers his guide to saving others from temptation and sin, with new interpretations of Jesus’s strategies for spreading the word of God. While expanding God’s kingdom on Earth, Christians will face daunting obstacles. No one understands this more than Reverend Geary, who, through more than thirty years of expertministry, has turned thousands of hearts toward the light of the Lord. In this inspirational book, Geary provides clear guidance for the faithful, including handpicked quotes from the Bible detailing how Jesus went about enlarging his ministry and saving others. First, he outlines the personal preparations you must make to ready yourself to spread God’s word. Then, he offers tried and true strategies from Jesus himself for preaching the word and building groups of likeminded disciples. Join Reverend Geary as he follows in the Lord’s footsteps, helping others find and build the kingdom of God.

  • Author's Background

    Reverend Geary Reid started his work for the Lord in 1986 and has continued that work ever since, encouraging others to make the joyful decision to join the kingdom of God. As the leader of the Evangelism Department for his local church, he has guided many to give their hearts to the Lord. To further his learning, Reverend Geary earned a certificate in evangelism from Wesleyan Bible School, and he has passed the renowned Evangelism Explosion examination and serves as a trainer for the program.

  • Blurb

    Reverend Geary is on a mission to spread the word of God and save souls from temptation and sin—but he knows that to effectively grow the kingdom, you must first save yourself before you save others. In this evangelical guidebook, Reverend Geary gives clear examples from his own journey along with inspiration and instructions straight from the Bible as to how Jesus grew his ministry. Follow in the steps of the Lord, and learn how to light the spark of faith in yourself and those you save.

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