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Effective Ministry for God's Kingdom

God wants many persons to share his good news with those that need it the most. Persons must take pride in sharing God’s word and do so effectively.

This literature will help you to recognize the needs of others and to understand how you can deliver the gospel in such a way that many persons will become saved, have a better understanding of God’s word and ultimately grow into what God desires.

Preaching and teaching for long durations is not a good measurement of effectiveness in the ministration of the word of God. Too many times, persons may complain about the amount of time they spend in church for a normal service. Those who deliver the word of God need to be effective and efficient so that they can complete God’s assignment for their lives.

This literature is expected to impact the lives of the prophets, apostles, evangelists, teachers, pastors, lay workers and students at Bible schools. Some of the traditional approaches of delivering the word of the Lord may not be effective in this current time. Many members of the churches are well educated and are working in the secular environment, so those leaders that minister to them must allow the Spirit of God to work through them to meet the people’s needs.  

Jesus spent three and a half years of ministry on this earth, and his ministry was effective within that short duration. Therefore, your ministry can also be effective. The length of service and the quantity of information shared during the service must be paramount as you seek to share God’s word in effective ways.

Communication is a key part of all church services. Both verbal and non-verbal communication must be used appropriately to help the people of God receive the information shared. Some persons learn faster through the use of visual aids, illustrations and good body language. Therefore, assess the congregation, and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, deliver God’s word in such a way that people will want to serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

Many persons need to be developed, so some of them should be given opportunities to lead worship, read the scripture and conduct teaching sessions. God has given many gifts to the believers, so as more persons work, the kingdom of God will benefit from their gifting. No one person is endowed with all the skills and knowledge that God wants to share with his people.  

Utilizing the skills and abilities of other ministers of the gospel is important to help the saints to grow. Some church leaders are afraid to invite other ministers of the gospel to share in the same sanctuary, and it is true that it may be important to conduct a background check before making the invitation. However, you must make the invited ministering servant of the Lord feel celebrated and appreciated by sending them an invitation to visit and expressing thanks for what they have done.

Effective Ministry for God's Kingdom

  • Description

    Reverend Geary Reid delved into many important things that must be done by believers as they participate in the work of the Lord. Many persons no longer have the same amount of time to sit for long hours to hear from worshippers, singers and preachers. Many services are recorded and people can listen to those services while working, driving or exercising. So, when they come to the house of the Lord, they want to spend the least time, but to be touched by the presence of God, through the Word and worship.

    Many persons who attend churches have some secular education and need to see some of what they learn being shared in the house of the Lord, so that believers will be effective and efficient. Reverend Reid applies techniques and aids hones through years of experience in both a secular and ministry to help believers to be more effective in God’s house.

  • Author's Background

    Having started working for the Lord since 1986, Reverend Geary Reid shares what he does to make great use of the time to share the gospel. He has a passion to share the Gospel wherever the opportunity is made available. At some of the places he worked, he led groups of believers to have Bible Clubs, as they utilized only half of an hour during their lunch breaks and many great things were accomplished, including worship and sharing of God’s word. He has a certificate in International Business Communication from ICM and is certified to preach the Gospel through the New Testament Church of God certification program.

  • Blurb

    With the challenges that people experience daily, they have a heart to attend church and hear His Word, but not to spend the entire day at the house of the Lord. Many years ago, spending long hours in the house of God directly communicated one’s close relationship with the Lord.  

    Reverend Geary Reid, who started ministering the gospel since 1986, shares some interesting things that servants of the Lord can do to make their time in the house of the Lord more effective. He shares some of the practical things that he learns at work, one being time management. Whenever he teaches, he uses real life examples, modern technology through PowerPoint presentations and a structured approach of sharing the gospel. This approach encourages many other ministers of the Gospel to be effective and efficient with the works of the Lord.

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