Your money is too valuable to be wasted or misused and, therefore, using it wisely will maximize your accomplishments. The changes money management will bring about in your life may have a chain effect on the lives of many other persons and things.
This book puts forward simple ideas as to how you can sensibly manage your finances. It is divided into three main areas: Business Ventures, Family Income and Cost Reduction. Under each heading, several important topics are dealt with to give an all-encompassing look at the subject.
Living your life to its fullest and enjoying every opportunity that comes your way is but one approach to life here on earth. Your ability to manage finances prudently will allow you to reach where many persons have not gone, and make a name for yourself. We all have said or heard others say “if I had more time, I would try to spend wisely” or “I have wasted a lot of money”. Many of us have made financial mistakes, but this does not mean we have to continue to mismanage our finances.
Most persons are guilty of overspending. In most cases, they lack basic financial skills. If an individual starts monitoring their finances, whether on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis, they may be alarmed to discover that they normally spend more than they earn. A big question to you is, “Where does this leave you?”
You will explore many simple but useful tips for good financial management in this book. It is hoped that you will follow these simple guidelines and be wiser in your spending.
This book has been an inspiration from God. It was written to help every reader be a master over their own finances. The author was prompted to write this book after he was approached by a friend who asked for this topic to be discussed with members of a group.
People are sometimes unable to find appropriate financial books that relate to their personal financial lives, but this book is intended to reach both believers and non-believers. The non-believers will find the biblical principles discussed in this book relevant in guiding their financial lives.
This book was written to help every individual grasp simple and practical terms. Reading this book will not only equip you with theoretical knowledge, but also allow you to put into practice those things that you have learned and become a better steward of your resources.
Make a change in your life with what you already have.
Simple Techniques for Managing Your Finances
Everyone can benefit from having some extra money in their pockets. Learn how to become financially successful without any hassle.
In Simple Techniques for Managing Your Finances, Geary Reid reveals what he has learned about managing money in business and family life. Reid highlights commonly overlooked strategies that could make a big difference to your financial success. Learn not only how to avoid financial mistakes that could cripple you but also how to capitalize on every financial opportunity available. With knowledge stemming from decades of corporate and personal financial management success, Reid provides comprehensive advice that people of any economic background can use to stretch their earnings to their full potential and improve their financial situations.
Author's Background
While Geary Reid has earned an MBA and is a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, he doesn’t believe you need to become an economist, a banker, or a finance manager to improve your financial status. Based on his experience, he aims to share simple techniques, many of which can be used within the home or the workplace, that will help readers better their financial lives. Successful people have followed these very strategies and are reaping the rewards today.
In his latest book, Geary Reid discusses the practical steps anyone can take to become financially successful. Sharing insights based on his many decades of experience in business and as a family man, Reid covers three areas of finance: business ventures, family income, and cost reduction. He delves into how all readers, regardless of income, can make simple changes to their money management strategies that will have significant effects on their long-term financial strength. Learn today how you can increase both your earnings and the value of the money you make.