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Why People Choose to Marry

When one reads about the kingdom of God, it must be known that it is more than a physical place. The kingdom of God operates in the lives of everyone who accepts Jesus Christ. God intends that all believers will model him, as they demonstrate his kingdom wherever they go. The kingdom of God can also be referred to as God’s kingdom, the kingdom of light, the kingdom of heaven, and the everlasting kingdom.

This literature is divided into three sections. The first section provides readers with an understanding of kingdoms, cultures, and authority. There are many cultures, but in this literature, greater emphasis is placed on the kingdom of God and his culture, which is different from the culture of the world. The unsaved are looking for light, and if the believers can present the light of God to them, then they may follow the same Lord as the believers do.

Adam was provided with authority to operate on the earth; however, he sinned. Adam’s sin caused mankind to be separated from God, but Jesus, the King, came to reconcile man unto God. The adversary is constantly seeking to distract believers, so every believer must wear the kingdom apparel to prevent spiritual attacks from the adversary. When a person is saved, they are expected to be an example to the world. They must not hide from the world, since believers are the salt of the earth and light to the world.

There are several essential things that believers must do, which are captured in section two of this literature. One of these essential things is forgiveness to everyone. When believers demonstrate kindness, they are demonstrating the attribute that will cause unsaved persons to follow their example. Those who exercise faith allow God to perform miracles in and through their lives.

Giving must be more than money. Believers must give praise and thanks regularly to the God of their salvation, which is emphasized by the psalmist King David. Worshipping God in the good and bad times is essential for all believers, as exemplified in Job 2:10 and Job 13:15. The study of God’s Word helps to strengthen believers’ understanding of God and his promises. Teamwork is expected of every believer. Each believer must be accountable to someone, and they must operate in a team to defeat the works of the adversary and to obtain victory in many areas.

There are some things that believers must avoid, which are the focus of section three of this literature. Ethnicity is often the root of conflicts in many countries, but believers must not contribute to ethnic division, since Christ sees everyone as one. Kingdom culture must not only be spoken of, but demonstrated through the lives of every believer.

Why People Choose to Marry

  • Description

    Choosing to marry is a big decision, not to be taken lightly.

    If you’re like most people, you may want to get married but not know exactly why. Exploring how lasting partnerships are built, author Geary Reid delves into common reasons people get married and offers wisdom from his years of marital experience.

    People should marry for more than physical appearance, wealth, or sex. Reid breaks down all the reasons people want to marry and discusses which are valid and which need to be reconsidered. If you want a happy and healthy marriage, you need to know why you are marrying. When you marry for good reasons, your marriage will withstand life’s storms.

  • Author's Background

    With over two decades of marital experience, author Geary Reid provides insight into some of the reasons people choose to marry. Because some single people want to marry without valid reasons, Reid aims to help them consider their decisions and take their relationships seriously. He wants all couples to have good foundations for marriage so they can stay together through hard times.

  • Blurb

    Across the world, marriage is an important decision. Some people seek a life partner, while others marry to escape an abusive home or loneliness. Some choose to marry because of the physical appearance of a partner or because of his or her tribe, race, or class. Some choose to marry because others have pressured them to do so. Everyone wants to connect with someone, but a lasting marriage is based on both partners entering the relationship for good reasons. Those reasons need to be strong enough that when trouble comes, the marriage endures.

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